Meeting a Horse and Rider on the Trail - Stop, Talk, Move Down
Thursday, August 26, 2100
WHAT a HORSE SEES! - Meeting a Horse and Rider on the Trail
Mountain Biking,
Monday, February 17, 2014
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Horsesees is now available for those of you that want it for your club libarey or to just have a safety class. The price is $40. Sorry it has taken me so long to get out.
Everett Lewis contact lewiseveretta@gmail.com
Everett Lewis contact lewiseveretta@gmail.com
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Stanwood/Camano News Reports On What HorseSees
Trail user 101: What a horse sees
Equestrians encourage hikers, bikers to speak up
By SARAH ARNEY Staff Reporter As equestrians look forward to the upcoming season of riding through the mountains, Everett Lewis wants all trail users to understand horses better. A member of the Trail Dusters Chapter of Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (BCHW), Lewis is glad to share the trail with hikers and bikers, but he wants everyone to be safe.
Equestrians encourage hikers, bikers to speak up
By SARAH ARNEY Staff Reporter As equestrians look forward to the upcoming season of riding through the mountains, Everett Lewis wants all trail users to understand horses better. A member of the Trail Dusters Chapter of Backcountry Horsemen of Washington (BCHW), Lewis is glad to share the trail with hikers and bikers, but he wants everyone to be safe.
Recent Post on YouTube
That is so true! I always talk to the bikers and hikers on the trail. My horses always are calm when I talk with the bikers and hikers.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
BCHW-Back Country OF Washington Now Features HorseSEES
Riding season is upon us!
Spring in Washington is of course heralded by the annual BCHW rendezvous, the Methow Valley Chapter’s Spring Ride, and an increase in interactions with other trail users. Most often these encounters are quite nice (I’ve seen tears of joy in the eyes of Pacific Crest Trail through hikers when a cold soda has been retrieved from the depths of saddle bags), unfortunately sometimes they are not at all pleasant, enjoyable, or safe.
We’ve all seen, or had a horse, have an “incident” upon meeting a fisherman with their waving poles or a spandex clad bicyclist silently and swiftly swooping up to us. Hopefully our experiences with these occurrences have been merely annoying and have not moved into life threatening territory as some have. Heck as back country riders we have so many other things to worry about besides fearing that a helmeted biker, looking a lot like Darth Vader, will be the cause of our demise.
As backcountry horsemen, and women, we know that a horse is more apt to rush uphill if startled and that our mounts recognize the sound of a human voice as non-threatening. However, what about the rest of the trail users that we share the back country with?
We’ve been blessed with having a close connection with livestock. Most hikers and bicyclists haven’t had the benefit of the rich lives that we lead. Not only does the average trail walker, or roller in the case of bicycles, not have a clue about how to safely interact with equestrians, they are intimidated by us. There is a reason urban riots are controlled by mounted police units. People mounted on large animals are imposing and can be very scary especially to those who are more comfortable in an urban jungle of pavement and concrete versus on a trail.
Once we accept the fact that we can be scary to others we can start to understand why they won’t start a conversation or perhaps are a bit stand offish with us at first. Right or wrong it falls upon us as riders and packers to break the ice so to speak and help ease the uncertainty that some have around horses and mules.
Now I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t speak mountain biker and don’t know enough about those infernal machines to help point them in the right direction around my horse. In fact bikes on the trail scare me.
Fortunately, one of our very own BCHW’ers, Everett Lewis, from the Traildusters chapter has taken it upon himself to help keep the rest of us safe. Mr. Lewis took on this task after his wife had a nasty tumble off her horse when a bicyclist thought he was doing the right thing by being very quite as he passed Karen. Luckily she walked away, shaken but not stirred.
I’m terribly grateful that Everett took the time and energy to create and produce a video that does an admirable job of teaching us, and the other folks that we share the trails with, how to make our interactions more pleasant or at least safer.
You can see Everett’s creation at http://HorseSees.com/
Spring in Washington is of course heralded by the annual BCHW rendezvous, the Methow Valley Chapter’s Spring Ride, and an increase in interactions with other trail users. Most often these encounters are quite nice (I’ve seen tears of joy in the eyes of Pacific Crest Trail through hikers when a cold soda has been retrieved from the depths of saddle bags), unfortunately sometimes they are not at all pleasant, enjoyable, or safe.
We’ve all seen, or had a horse, have an “incident” upon meeting a fisherman with their waving poles or a spandex clad bicyclist silently and swiftly swooping up to us. Hopefully our experiences with these occurrences have been merely annoying and have not moved into life threatening territory as some have. Heck as back country riders we have so many other things to worry about besides fearing that a helmeted biker, looking a lot like Darth Vader, will be the cause of our demise.
As backcountry horsemen, and women, we know that a horse is more apt to rush uphill if startled and that our mounts recognize the sound of a human voice as non-threatening. However, what about the rest of the trail users that we share the back country with?
We’ve been blessed with having a close connection with livestock. Most hikers and bicyclists haven’t had the benefit of the rich lives that we lead. Not only does the average trail walker, or roller in the case of bicycles, not have a clue about how to safely interact with equestrians, they are intimidated by us. There is a reason urban riots are controlled by mounted police units. People mounted on large animals are imposing and can be very scary especially to those who are more comfortable in an urban jungle of pavement and concrete versus on a trail.
Once we accept the fact that we can be scary to others we can start to understand why they won’t start a conversation or perhaps are a bit stand offish with us at first. Right or wrong it falls upon us as riders and packers to break the ice so to speak and help ease the uncertainty that some have around horses and mules.
Now I don’t know about you but I certainly don’t speak mountain biker and don’t know enough about those infernal machines to help point them in the right direction around my horse. In fact bikes on the trail scare me.
Fortunately, one of our very own BCHW’ers, Everett Lewis, from the Traildusters chapter has taken it upon himself to help keep the rest of us safe. Mr. Lewis took on this task after his wife had a nasty tumble off her horse when a bicyclist thought he was doing the right thing by being very quite as he passed Karen. Luckily she walked away, shaken but not stirred.
I’m terribly grateful that Everett took the time and energy to create and produce a video that does an admirable job of teaching us, and the other folks that we share the trails with, how to make our interactions more pleasant or at least safer.
You can see Everett’s creation at http://HorseSees.com/
Saturday, January 7, 2012
TrailMiester now has HorseSees
Here's where the TrailMeister link is:http://www.trailmeister.com/tips.html
and here's their page with HorseSees on it:http://www.trailmeister.com/tips/horsesees.html
and here's their page with HorseSees on it:http://www.trailmeister.com/tips/horsesees.html
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Print HorseSees! Business Cards & Flyer
Click here to download the print ready page of Horse Sees business cards.
A one page full color flyer is also available here.
Business Card
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Meeting Horses on the Trail Is A Huge Thing - Learn How From HorseSees!
The horse meeting on the trail is a huge thing.
I have spent enough time on horses to know the significance of those meetings.
Loved hearing the song at the end of the film, too.
Big Sky, MT
I have spent enough time on horses to know the significance of those meetings.
Loved hearing the song at the end of the film, too.
Big Sky, MT
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
First test report from Ketchum ID
HorseSees, the first use of STOP,TALK, MOVE DOWN, this report comes from Ketchum ID, A mountain biker was out and used the three points on meeting some horse back riders, and they had a safe passage.
It is great news to get, and find that people using these three points can be safe and enjoy the out doors.
Thanks for the good report. Everett
PS. Please send in your experience with this passing guide
It is great news to get, and find that people using these three points can be safe and enjoy the out doors.
Thanks for the good report. Everett
PS. Please send in your experience with this passing guide
Mountain Biker,
Monday, October 10, 2011
User groups working toward peaceful multi-use trail
It has been a great accomplishment to get the Centennial Trail this far on the road to completion, and now we need to work towards the goal of safe and sane use of it.
Meaning that people with baby strollers, pets, mountain bikes and horse riders will all be ABLE TO COEXIST and enjoy the trail as well as those trails in the more backcountry settings, by using the three basic steps when meeting each other:
Thanks, Everett Lewis
Meaning that people with baby strollers, pets, mountain bikes and horse riders will all be ABLE TO COEXIST and enjoy the trail as well as those trails in the more backcountry settings, by using the three basic steps when meeting each other:
- Stop
- Hail
- Move down
Thanks, Everett Lewis
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Email Announcement for "What a Horse Sees!"
Below is our latest announcement that can be emailed to your hiker, biker, and rider friends.
Or just copy the following into an email:
Hi - Great info on meeting horses and riders on the trail, so everybody stays safe and happy. Check it out before your next hike or ride - www.HorseSees.com
Hello, folks!
Here’s a great new resource for info on sharing trails with horses, mountain bikers, and hikers: “What a Horse Sees!” – a short film illustrating safe ways of passing horse and rider on the trail – as seen on www.HorseSees.com.
Here’s the nutshell version:
When you meet a horse on the trail, make sure it knows you’re a mountain biker, not a mountain lion.
Here’s how:
Everett Lewis, Producer of the film and website - What a Horse Sees!
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
Or just copy the following into an email:
Hi - Great info on meeting horses and riders on the trail, so everybody stays safe and happy. Check it out before your next hike or ride - www.HorseSees.com
Meeting a Horse and Rider On the Trail
Website and Film
Meeting a Horse and Rider On the Trail
Website and Film
Hello, folks!
Here’s a great new resource for info on sharing trails with horses, mountain bikers, and hikers: “What a Horse Sees!” – a short film illustrating safe ways of passing horse and rider on the trail – as seen on www.HorseSees.com.
Here’s the nutshell version:
When you meet a horse on the trail, make sure it knows you’re a mountain biker, not a mountain lion.
Here’s how:
- STOP — Horses spook easily, and may perceive movement, especially quiet movement, as a predator — and bolt.
- TALK Human speech is reassuring and comforting for the horse. Continue to talk until the horse has passed.
- MOVE DOWN to the low side of the trail. If horse gets spooked, you don’t want it going off the steep side or horse and rider can be injured.
Happy trails!
Everett Lewis, Producer of the film and website - What a Horse Sees!
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
Horseback Rider,
Friday, August 26, 2011
How This Film and Website Came About
With the increased hiker, mountain biker, and horse activity on trails, it is helpful to have a good understanding of what to do when meeting a horse and rider on a trail.
After that incident, I decided to do what I could to get the word out to more people about how to safely share the trail — and the Internet seemed like the answer. I hope the film and the web site are helpful in raising awareness of more safely meeting horse and rider on the trail — so we can all enjoy our great outdoors. Get out there and have fun!
Happy trails, everyone.
Everett Lewis
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
After that incident, I decided to do what I could to get the word out to more people about how to safely share the trail — and the Internet seemed like the answer. I hope the film and the web site are helpful in raising awareness of more safely meeting horse and rider on the trail — so we can all enjoy our great outdoors. Get out there and have fun!
Happy trails, everyone.
Everett Lewis
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
Meeting a horse and rider on the trail
When you meet a horse on the trail, make sure it knows you’re a mountain biker, not a mountain lion. Here’s how:
Everett Lewis
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
Meeting a horse and rider on the trail
When you meet a horse on the trail, make sure it knows you’re a mountain biker, not a mountain lion. Here’s how:
- STOP Horses spook easily, and may perceive movement, especially quiet movement, as a predator — and bolt.
- TALK Human speech is reassuring and comforting for the horse. Continue to talk until the horse has passed.
- MOVE DOWN to the low side of the trail. If horse gets spooked, you don’t want it going off the steep side or horse and rider can be injured.
This trail etiquette — stop, talk, and move down - to the low side of the trail — is based on the experiences of hikers, mountain bikers, and horse riders over many years, and is illustrated in our film What a Horse Sees!
Remember too that the person (or horse — or dog) you're about to meet may be brand new to the trail and not know what to do — so be aware, and take care. Also, when possible slow down so you can come to a full stop before meeting another trail user or obstacle that may appear on the trail.
This is a good time for everyone to remind their trail user groups and trail agencies to work together for safe enjoyable visits to the great outdoors for everyone - people, horses and nature.
Remember too that the person (or horse — or dog) you're about to meet may be brand new to the trail and not know what to do — so be aware, and take care. Also, when possible slow down so you can come to a full stop before meeting another trail user or obstacle that may appear on the trail.
This is a good time for everyone to remind their trail user groups and trail agencies to work together for safe enjoyable visits to the great outdoors for everyone - people, horses and nature.
So before your next ride: visit www.HorseSees.com — and email the What A Horse Sees! announcement to your hiker, biker, and rider friends, too. The more the merrier — and safer and more enjoyable for everyone.
OR just copy the following into an e-mail:
Hi – Great info on meeting horses and riders on the trail, so everybody stays safe and happy. Check it out before your next hike or ride — www.HorseSees.com.
Happy trails!
Everett Lewis
Hiker, Mountain Biker, Horse Rider
Everett Lewis is a horse rider, a mountain biker, and a hiker. A member of Back Country Horsemen, he helps maintain trails in the North Cascades Tree Farm, and helped create the 1,200-mile Pacific Northwest Trail from Glacier National Park in Montana to the Pacific Ocean. Everett and his wife, Karen, live in Arlington, Washington, with four horses and three barn cats.
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